Submission and domination

Starving feeders

Do any feedees ever get the desire to starve their feeders? As a feeder I love the idea of a feedee withholding food from me because they don’t think I deserve the calories as much as them or because they eat through so much of my bank account that I have to skip meals to afford to keep feeding them. This is mainly a fantasy but it could be fun to do in a safe and controlled space
4 days

Starving feeders

Mine does, but also recognize that it isn't healthy to do too much.

When we plan it out properly, she stuffs herself at each meal all day and I don't eat until she has had her dinner. We'll order in dinner for the both of us, but I won't eat until after we have gone back to the bedroom and she's had her fun.

We usually order dinner in the early afternoon on those days and she still tends to eat another dinner later and a late night snack, but this way is safer than making me wait to eat until she's had every meal she wants for the day. We tried that before and I was too dizzy for either of us to enjoy it. It probably doesnt help that when I do eat I'm a light eater, probably adding to the issue.

Many people into contrast overlap with hunger fetish, but its not exactly talked about openly.
4 days

Starving feeders

Do any feedees ever get the desire to starve their feeders? As a feeder I love the idea of a feedee withholding food from me because they don’t think I deserve the calories as much as them or because they eat through so much of my bank account that I have to skip meals to afford to keep feeding them. This is mainly a fantasy but it could be fun to do in a safe and controlled space

Heh lol I like this idea as a feeder who used to have only 1-2 meals a day in high school
3 days